Sunday, April 29, 2018

5B Classroom News: Week of April 23rd

A note from Mrs. Burke:
Students in 5B shared all of the wonderful things they did over the spring break. They returned rested and ready to learn!  Take a look at what they reported this week.

Integrated Studies:  Regions of the United States

This is a picture of a sculpture created by Janabeth
and her father. They used license plates from all 50 states!

For my independent research project I am studying the Midwest and one thing I have learned about the Midwest is the Lewis and Clark Expedition.

In Integrated Studies I am studying the Southeast region of the United states.

I’m learning about the Regions of the U.S. and I’m making a slideshow.

I am learning about the Southeast.
~ Colby

I am studying Southeast I  learned that Dr.Martin Luther King, Jr. shared
his “I have a dream” speech there.

In Integrated Studies I am studying the Midwest.
- Larkyn

I am studying the West region of the United States.  I have already learned
about how it includes a series of different environments including the rainiest
part of the U.S. and the driest part of the U.S.

For my independent research project, I am studying the West region of the
United States. So far, I am very fascinated by it. One interesting fact I have
learned is that Death Valley, California holds the record for hottest temperature
at 134 degrees! I would rather observe from a distance!

The region I am learning about is the Midwest. I have learned that the Crazy
Horse memorial has still not been finished, but it started being built in 1948.
The man who was building the memorial died in 1982 so his family continues
his work.

Art Class:

Image result for wonder by rj palacio

In art we are making Wonder faces.  But instead of the character’s face from the book, we are using watercolor paint, crayons, pastels, and other materials to make a simple portrait of our face.  Like in the book Wonder, the characters faces/portraits are simple, and include only the outline of their face, one eye, and their ears.  We are currently reading the book Wonder for Second Step, so we can use the strategies to calm down and incorporate it into the book to see what the characters could have done differently.

Class with Miss Keel:

Miss Keel is teaching us about why drugs are bad for you.

In class with Miss Keel, we are learning about drugs and the effect they have
on your body and brain.

We are learning about how drugs can affect your brain and body. For example, drugs like Tylenol aren’t bad for you, but they are if there is an overdose. We call it OTC drugs, “Over The Counter” kind of drugs. They are legal drugs, since we use them to help our body flush sicknesses like the flu, or help get rid of headaches, or pain in your body. Miss Keel talked to us about caffeine and how that affects your brain. Different doses of caffeine can make you tired after a while, and you can get sick from too much.

In Miss Keel’s class we are learning what are in drugs and why they are bad
for you.

We are learning about substances.

In Miss Keel’s, my class and I are learning about drugs. In our next class we are going have a lesson all about tobacco. I feel personally that Miss Keel has taught us all personally a lesson that if you start taking chemicals (also known as drugs) it will cause you to get ill.

With Miss Keel I learned about the bad stimulants you can put in your brain.  
These stimulants make you feel awake, attentive, and stimulated. After some
time you feel drowsy, and you want more.  Now you are addicted. Putting this
stuff in your system is not good for you and can be hard to quit doing.

In class with Miss Keel we are learning about drugs and tobacco.

Bullying Presentation:

Ella, Addy, and I did a presentation on bullying. We made this presentation
because Mrs. Burke showed us a music video about bullying and it inspired
us to learn a little more about bullying and to teach everyone else a little more
about bullying.

When Ella, Paige, and I presented, we were so nervous, we were shaking.  
We spent over a week planning the slideshow. If we could change one thing,
we would probably practice more because we read off of the slideshow.  But
overall it was a super fun project.

The Bully presentation by Ella, Faith, and Paige, taught me about the reasons
to not bully people and also taught me what a bully does to a victim.

Shakespeare Monologue:

Click here to see Cordelia and Faith performing their Shakespeare monologue.  

Faith and I presented a famous monologue written by Shakespeare. The monologue is called To be or not to be, that is the question from the play Hamlet. The purpose of this monologue was to remember the brilliance of Shakespeare's fabulous work, his birthday, and his deathday. Something that is really important about Shakespeare is that he created over 1,700 words that we still use today. These words include gossip, eyeball, mimic, and many more. Faith and I had to practice this monologue many times before we presented it because the Shakespearean language is hard to speak and enunciate.

Well, Cordelia and I performed a famous monologue called To Be or Not to Be from the play Hamlet written by William Shakespeare. We chose to do this to celebrate William’s birthday and to also celebrate his brilliance. William Shakespeare was a famous man of literature, he was a very important person of history. You may Know him for his story Romeo and Juliet. And this is why we performed the famous monologue, to inspire people.

- Faith

I learned, from the Shakespeare Monologue, that Shakespeare wrote
monologues for fun and a living. This was fun the listen to and I hope
someone does another presentation about someone or something.

I learned that Shakespeare died on his birthday.  

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