Sunday, October 20, 2019

5B Classroom News: Week of October 14th

A note from Mrs. Burke:
Thank you to the parents who have signed up for a conference. If you haven't signed up yet, please click here and sign up by Tuesday. After Tuesday, the sign up sheet will be view only and you will have to email me if you want to schedule a conference. I will be sending an email after Tuesday to confirm the conference schedule. As you know, the conferences will be student-led; the kids have been working on their portfolios to share their learning and goals with you.

Keep reading to see what our classroom reporters posted this week.

Hartford Historical Society Ribbon Cutting Ceremony

Image result for Hartford historical society, hartford vt

Congratulations to Aaron for cutting the ribbon to the new ramp that was installed at the Hartford Historical Society! Aaron has sparked something very special in our community. His involvement has made the Hartford Historical Society building accessible to anyone who has difficulty using stairs. We are very proud of you Aaron!

If you subscribe to the Valley News, be sure to check out Sunday's paper (October 20, 2019) and read about Aaron's ceremony on page B1 in the Out & About section.

Here is what Aaron had to say about the event:
I went to the Historical Society with Teetah and Ms. Fogg and Ms. Frapier and Mommy and Daddy and even Nana and Papa.  I got to cut the ribbon and everyone said “Yeah!” After, I went inside and looked at stuff and I just said “Hi” to everybody.

Aaron, your classmates have posted comments to show their appreciation for your involvement in this very special event:

Congratulations Aaron!!!
- Andre 

Aaron made that museum accessible for everyone that can't walk stairs and people with disabilities.

Aaron I am so happy that you made the news paper. I wish I was there when it happened. I am proud of you Aaron. Love your very good friend Tony.

 You Rock Aaron!

WhooHoo! Good job Aaron for making such an impact to make that ramp.

Good job Aaron, that was awesome, so cool!!!!!That is so awesome I didn’t even think about that but now I am and it is cool!!!!!

Good job Aaron!!!!!!!! You just made a huge impact on our community!!!!!!!

Science:  Structures and Properties of Matter

What is something new you learned during our post lab science discussion about the Oil Rainbow Investigation?

That we learned that the water was heavier than the oil.

I learned that you can dye ice cubes.

Something I learned during the post lab discussion was that ice cubes in oil will make bubbles!

During the lab investigation for our Oil Rainbow investigation I learned that water is denser than oil which is why the water all sank to the bottom of the jar and wouldn’t mix with the oil.

What I learned in matter is that it is all around us.

Something new I  learned during our post lab science discussion about the Oil Rainbow Investigation was that ice can melt in oil. Also that oil and water don’t mix.

One thing I learned was that water is heavier than oil.

We got to do the rainbow oil project and it was really fun it was the best thing ever.

Something I learned  was that when you put ice cubes in oil they make these weird bubble things.

What I learned from the oil rainbow investigation was it all melted to the bottom and was all green and the vegetable oil froze.

That the bubbles were oil and gas and the oil gas bubbles melted and turned into jelly and is separated from the oil.
- Kady

What is an idea you added onto during our post lab science discussion about the Oil Rainbow Investigation?

I added onto the idea about bubbles.

One thing that I added on one of my papers is the way the ice cubes were and the way the droplets were.

One idea I added onto during our post lab discussion was the idea of what the gases were in the jar.

One idea I added to the science post lab discussion was that now, two days after the end of the experiment itself, that if we weighed it now it would be much lighter. I thought this because the water has been evaporating, which means that there would be less mass which means less weight.

One idea is that there was the bubbles were not air but water.

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