Sunday, March 3, 2019

5B Classroom News: Week of Feb. 25th

A note from Mrs. Burke:
It was a busy week with activities to celebrate "I Love to Read Week" at OQS. On Monday everyone wore stickers for the theme "a good book sticks with you day." Tuesday was "wear your words day" and students had fun reading the words that were printed on the clothes they wore. Wednesday was "dress as your favorite book character day" and we had a handful of students dress up and tell the class who they were and why that character is their favorite. Thursday was "reading rocks, wear funny socks day" and many students showed off their crazy socks. Thursday was also the OQS Grand Spelling Bee and Friday was "Read Across America day" (more to follow later in the blog on these last two events). This week I also asked students to reflect on the town meeting style debate they had on the Friday before the February break.

I also want to let you know that every student in 5B was given a book on Friday from the Wings of Fire book series. We are fortunate to be Skying with the author of these books, Tui T. Sutherland, later this month.

Keep reading to see what our classroom reporters wrote about this week.

Language Arts:  The American Revolution

Image result for the american revolution town meeting
During our town meeting style debate you had to answer the questions:  If you lived during colonial times, would you have supported the American Revolution?  Why or why not? What did you share during this meeting to support your opinion?

If I lived during the American Revolution, I would have supported it, but I would not have supported the violence. During the meeting, I was a Loyalist, and I one thing I said to support my opinion was, the King protects us and treats us well.“Our taxes also pay for the soldiers who are stationed here to protect us.We can't expect Britain to send soldiers to the colonists for free.” If we stop paying taxes, the King won’t protect us. We will be defenseless.
- Abigail

If I lived during the American Revolution I would have supported because I would be a Patriot. One thing I said to support my opinion is that we had to pay taxes to the King but we had no say in the government.

I would support the Patriots because I would like to be free.

I would not have supported the American Revolution because there is a lot of unfair treatment.

I supported the Patriot perspective on the American Revolution. One thing that I said was that it's unfair to tax us on our supplies that we need everyday.
- Owen

I wouldn’t have, because the start of this was caused by the Patriots. As I feel I want to support the Loyalists. They should just pay the taxes. The taxes go to the soldiers that fight for us. They even get paid by Patriots to fight against them.

I was a Patriot and other people were Loyalists and we would say if we would support the American revolution and why.

I would have supported the American Revolution because it would at least give us a chance to win our freedom from the King. I am happy that we won the war now we don’t need to have these silly rules that the King made.

I love to read week:  

Image result for i love to read week

Dress As Your Favorite Book Character Day

If you dressed up as your favorite book character, please tell us why you dressed up as that character.

I dressed up as the gold power ranger because they fight bad people and there are a few different color rangers.
- Zachary (Power Rangers Mega Mission)

I dressed up as Junie. B. Jones. I picked her because I used to read her books all the time and it just reminded me of when I was in 2nd grade.
-Aubree (Junie B. Jones book series)

I dressed up as Peter Rabbit, and I dressed up as Peter because Peter Rabbit has always been a favorite book and character of mine. Another reason why I dressed up as Peter is because I love bunnies!
-Flynn (Peter Rabbit)

I dressed up as Alice from Alice in wonderland because she goes on lots of adventures. -Lyndsey (Alice in Wonderland)

I dressed up as Violet Baudelaire because I really like the mystery in the book and I like how she is an inventor.
-Madison (A Series of Unfortunate Events)

OQS Grand Spelling Bee
Congratulations to Abree, Abigail, and Flynn who made it to the OQS Grand Spelling Bee. It was an exciting spelling bee where it took until the 3rd round for anyone to be eliminated. All of the students did a great job and the 5th graders from 5B represented our class with pride. Flynn came out on top and will be representing OQS for the second year in a row at the Vermont State Spelling Bee. I am very proud of all of our students!



Read Across America Day
On Friday, the entire student body and teachers met in the gym to read together for "Read Across America Day." We spent about 25 minutes reading together.

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