Saturday, April 6, 2019

5B Classroom News: Week of April 1st

A note from Mrs. Burke:
We found out this week how much we depend on technology in our classroom. The internet was down on Wednesday, and part of Thursday, which made it impossible to do lessons on our computers. We had to resort to paper and pencil lessons. It makes me realize how fortunate our students are to have so much technology available to them, and how thankful I was to have a back up plan in place for when technology is not available.

Students have been taking practice tests this week to become more familiar with the style of questions and tools that are available for the upcoming SBAC tests. A letter was sent home with students on Wednesday letting you know the dates of the tests. I also emailed the text of the testing letter to you on Wednesday, as well as an email update on Friday letting you know the testing for the upcoming week has been changed to Wednesday and Thursday.

There will not be a blog post next week. Please keep reading to see what our classroom reports wrote about this week:

Buddy Snack:  

Image result for kids having snack

What did you do during buddy snack this week?

This week I played Battleship and connect 4 with Maximus.

During buddy snack I played Mancala.

This week during buddy snack my buddy and I talked about things we are looking forward to and cool things that we are doing at home.

During buddy snack this week I played games with my partner. Me and my partner usually play Connect 1four.

What I did during buddy snack is play games like Connect Four or Battleship.  

During buddy snack I drew with Cash.

This week for Buddy Snack I played Connect Four and Mancala.

During buddy snack this week, I have played Mancala, and read!

This week during buddy snack I played Mancala and Battleship with Taylor, Aubree, and Braelyn. For me, I dislike buddy snack because you can only talk to your buddy, not anyone else.

This Buddy Snack was actually pretty fun and entertaining. Owen, Taylor and I were playing a game called BattleShip. I did the job of watching who cheated and who didn’t. There were some awesome cheats thrown in there, though. Mr. Mike helped Owen when he was trying to cheat by stacking his ships on top of one another. So I let them pull the small trick by him taking the ships off the board, and acting like they were on the board! It was pretty funny when Taylor couldn’t find where his ships were, until he peeked over to check what Owen’s board looked like. They both pulled a few tricks, until the end of snack, which nobody won. It was pretty fun. We were the only group of three.

What I do during buddy snack is play games like Connect Four, Battleship and Mancala.

I like buddy snack because it is not as bunched up in one space and not as loud so Mrs. Burke is not telling us we are too loud.

I played Battleship and talked with my partners.

Language Arts:  Esperanza Rising

Image result for esperanza rising

Which human rights have been threatened in the book Esperanza Rising so far? What has been happening in the story to show how these human rights have been threatened?

So far, a lot of human rights have been threatened: #16, marriage and family, because of Tio Luis’ forced marriage, #17, the right to own things, when Tio Luis was taking over Papa’s desk and wearing his belt buckle, and #13, when they are trying to leave Mexico. There are still many more human rights and places where the human rights have been threatened, but I was just using these as an example.

A few rights have been threatened, but the one that I remember is #16 marriage and family. Tio Luis threatened to burn the servant's house down if Mama didn't marry him.

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