Sunday, December 2, 2018

5B Classroom: Week of November 26th

A note from Mrs. Burke:
Thank you to everyone who purchased items to support our Yankee Candle fundraiser.  The money we raised will go towards our end-of-year field trip for the 5th graders.  I greatly appreciate your support with this fundraiser.  If you are still interested in purchasing items from this fundraiser, you can order on-line until January 10th at:
Any orders placed through January 10th will allow us to earn additional money for our field trip.  Just make sure you enter our Group Number, 990006902, in the "Start Shopping" box. Thank you, too, for your canned fruit donations for the holiday basket helpers. Your generosity is greatly appreciated.

Report cards will be sent home on Friday, December 7th.  As we discussed at conferences, the report card format is changing.  Enclosed with your child's report card you will find a brochure explaining the new report card.

Students have been very busy this week researching their colonial trade.  Information about the colonial trade fair will be sent home soon.  

Take a look at what our classroom reporters wrote about this week:

Language Arts:  The American Revolution

Image result for Divided Loyalties

What has been happening in the book Divided Loyalties?

William told the family about his trip.

William went in to war.

In ELA we are learning about the trip William had to go through when he was
in the war. We are filling another note-catcher in and talking about William's
feelings. Also, William just came home to the rest of his family the (Barton family).

Reading Groups:  Books about the American Revolution
Image result for i survived the american revolution 1776 Image result for woods runner

What have you learned about the American Revolution in Woods Runner or I Survived the American Revolution, 1776?

This week in reading groups, I am reading Woods Runner, we read chapters 5, 6, and 7 and learned some new words. Also, the main character, Samuel, found the people who kidnapped his parents, so he attacked. But then he was knocked out by an Indian and that was the end of chapter 7.

I learned that in New York, war, and Americans did not have good uniforms.

I am reading Woods Runner, and so far Samuel’s parents have most likely been kidnapped by what
we think are Indians. Now he is on his own having to deal with finding them and thinking about people he had to watch lay there dead. Almost getting killed multiple times, Samuel has to watch everything lay out in cruelty and suffering as a 13 year old taking the role of a 30 year old.

In reading groups we have been reading Woods Runner. Right now in the book the main character thinks the whole world has
“blown up”. It didn't actually blow up but he is saying that because almost his
whole town blew up. Also, he thinks he found his mom and dad. He also just
got a very bad injury.

Social Studies:  Colonial America:  Researching Colonial Trades
Image result for colonial trades sign

What are some things you have learned about your colonial trade while doing research this week?

Something I learned was that Apothecaries used little knives to release blood.

This week when I researched my colonial trade, the Peddler, I learned that sometimes if they didn't have a thing they needed to sell, they would carve it out of wood and trick people with it. For example, they would use wood shavings as spices, or a block of wood for cheese.

The wheelwright made wheels and the tools they used were axes, gauges,
and brace bits.

This week, some things I have learned about my trade, the colonial hatter, is that the hatter’s customers included men, women, Russians, tradesmen, townsfolk, and colonists. I also learned that some products the hatter provided included men’s hats, women’s hats, animal fur, broad-brimmed hat, tricorne hat, upturned brim, knitted monmouth cap, broad-brimmed pilgrim hat, plumed cavalier/van dyke hat, quaker rolled-brim hat, upturned-brim tricorne, and shellac/glue. I have learned many things about the colonial hatter, and I know that there is still a lot more for me to learn.

That the doctor has the oddest tools for surgery.

In Social Studies we are researching our colonial job. We are getting information
for our colonial fair.

My trade is Schoolmaster, and I have learned that there were a lot of rules for the class. I have also learned that there are very strict punishments.

Students are working hard researching colonial trades:

Read Aloud:  Wonder
Image result for Wonder

What happened in the chapters of Wonder that we read this week?  What strategies have you learned in Second Step that would help you to be a good friend to Auggie?

I would stand up to the bullies and help Auggie.

This girl name summer came over and asked what are you doing and they
became friends.

In Wonder Auggie just met a new friend named Summer. He got to sit next to her at
lunch and she was really nice to him. She treated him like Auggie was a
normal person.

Class Counsel with Ms. Keel?

Image result for second step bullying prevention

What did you learn in Ms. Keel’s class this week?

This week during our bullying prevention unit in class counsel we learned what we should do as a bystander to stop bullying.

I learned that if a bystander does nothing it's just as bad as supporting the bully.  

I learned how someone was bullied and what else I learned about was how to
solve and stop the bullying.

In class council we learned about personal invasion, and in the halls Olivia and
Sarah were walking in the halls, Noah and his friends were walking in the halls
and Olivia is very uncomfortable around Noah. Olivia and Sarah were walking
by the boys and Noah put his arm around Olivia. She said Noah STOP and he
said I AM NOT HURTING YOU and then after that he came over and twirled her
hair and she got very frustrated so she went to a teacher and the teacher said
she will find new seats for the whole class and she was going to talk to Noah,
have more supervision in the halls, and check in a few days.

In class counsel we are learning about bullying. This class we learned about Olivia and Noah. Even though Noah wasn't hurting Olivia it still made her embarrassed and it was bullying because he kept on doing it to make his friends laugh.

November Snow:
Mrs. Hingston captured the students playing at recess during the first snow of the year. So much fun!

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