Sunday, April 9, 2017

5B Highlights: April 3 - 7, 2017

A New Addition to our Classroom
This week I surprised the students with a new carpet for our classroom.  It shows the regions of the U.S. and will be a nice resource when we study the regions.  The new carpet is a big hit!

Biomes in Science
In class we are learning about biomes.  We are researching 8 different biomes: Marine, Tundra, Tropical Rain forest, Desert, Deciduous forest, Grassland, Freshwater, and Taiga. We have many different books that talk about the biomes and what is in them.  We are also doing a worksheet called “Web of Life” and we have to find out the characteristics, human impact, climate, location, animals, and plants that are in the biomes.  I can tell that a lot of people in our class like researching the biomes because in the morning we usually do morning choice, and a lot of people raised their hand for working on research in the morning rather than doing morning choice.  We don’t just use books for research, there is also a “Many Biomes of the World” link in Google classroom. That is what we are doing in class about the biomes.  

In math we have been learning how to do the standard algorithm for multiplication. We are also getting ready for 6th grade and we don’t have to get our planner signed anymore because we won’t need to do that when we get to 6th grade.    

We have been learning about either the atmosphere or the hydrosphere and how they affect the biosphere. We have been learning in 5 separate groups of 3 people to create plans for a group essay in which we will write about the hydrosphere or atmosphere.

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