Saturday, September 30, 2017

5B Classroom News: Week of Sept. 25th

A note from Mrs. Burke:  I placed the book orders on Thursday.  Books should be arriving in 7 - 10 business days.  Thank you to everyone who placed an order.  I used the bonus points I received from the orders to purchase new books to add to our classroom library for all of the students to enjoy!

Classroom Reporters
We 5th graders are classroom reporters. We are reporting what is happening this week.


In math, we are learning about the 3 dimensions of a 3D shape.  Two of the dimensions of the shape are called the base.  They touch the ground.  We also learned about large math equations and factors.


Language Arts

Image result for Esperanza Rising
In Esperanza Rising, we have been learning about the rights that some Mexicans do and don’t have. We also have been reading the UDHR (Universal Declaration of Human Rights) and how everyone should be treated fairly. Esperanza is very sad that Papa has recently died.

Science:  Engineering & Design

Lego Battle


TheProblem:  Two Lego men named Bob and Jack aren’t getting along.  They are about to go to battle.  The town has decided that they may design a catapult to help them in battle.  The town council agreed that they may both only use the supplies provided by the town.

We built catapults to knock down little Lego man using mini marshmallows to do so.
We build catapults out of Popsicle sticks, (about 10 in. long  to about the size of your pointer finger), rubber bands, (thick and slim), and a bottle cap, (to hold the marshmallow).

Students testing their catapults...

The Lego Battles begin...

We have been doing 4 rounds in the Lego battle and there is one game right now that is the final round and Alex and Cordelia are battling in the final round and the match is going on for 45 Minutes!!

The final Lego Battle was played over 2 days...


The Lego Battle winner is...

The 5th grade took their catapults outside to challenge each other one more time:

Image result for second stepImage result for second step

In Second Step we have been talking about rumors.  We have been doing this because the first week we had a rumor. We talked about what we know about them. Then we had another rumor that happened. So Mrs. Burke said we should do a Second Step. We talked about what to do if we hear a rumor.  One idea could be if you hear a rumor, tell a teacher. You could also keep it to yourself. A fun game that relates to gossip and rumors is telephone. That is because people hear something and change it into something else which is like starting a rumor.


Rumors and spreading gossip is very harmful because someone can sometimes say something that can hurt the person that the gossip is about, and can be not true, or it can be something very private. In Second Step we have been learning about rumors and gossip, and how it can be harmful.


Read Aloud

In the book  Twenty-One Balloons professor Sherman finds an island with a cave full of diamonds and they were all different sizes.  If he brought them to the mainland other poeple would discover the island.



DENS is a place where some teachers group kids from each grade get together.  If you want to know what DENS is well, DENS means “Doesn't Everyone Need Someone?” We sometimes play games, sometimes talk about hobbies, likings, and a lot other stuff. You can tell your DENS group your feelings about anything too, to get it out. I really like DENS, and I like how they can always help out.

In DENS we drew pictures of things that we liked.

We were with the kindergarteners yesterday and my kindergarten buddy got his golden paw drawn.  I was so happy and I said,  “Congrats buddy, you got it!" Then I brought the kindergartner to my DENS group and that will be their group for a while.

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