Sunday, December 4, 2016

The Wall is Open, Height vs. Feet, and Multiple/Single Meaning Words

Important Note:  Report cards were sent home on Friday, December 2nd.  They should be in your child's orange homework folder, but you might need to check the bottom of their backpack if it didn't make it to their homework folder.

The Wall is Open!
We have opened the wall that divides the 2 fifth grade classrooms.  We have mixed the students from each class so they now work together as part of our colonization unit. Each group is their own colony. This past week they used their mapping skills to earn points for their colony.  They don't know what they need the points for, yet.  All they know is the more points they get on each mapping assignment, the better it will be for their colony. They completed 2 mapping skills assignments and started on a third.  Hopefully, next week they will be able to tally their points so they can move forward in building their colony.

Height vs. Feet
Each month we start a new data collection in Number Corner, which is a part of our math program.  Since this week was the start of a new month, students collected data that includes their height and the length of one of their feet.  During the month of December they will see if they can figure out if the two are related.

Multiple/Single Meaning Words
Students spent this week revisiting the word sort they did last week with their mapping vocabulary words.  They discussed which words had only one meaning and which ones had multiple (more than one) meaning.  When they were in agreement on their word sort they wrote their mapping words in their Word Study booklet so they can refer to them during our colonization social studies unit.

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