Sunday, October 30, 2016

Word Study and on to Catapults in Science

Word Study
Students continued working with a set of vocabulary words that they will be using in social studies soon.  They are trying to figure out how the words are related and why I chose these words as a group.  They spent this week trying to figure out which words made sense in sentences where they had to fill in the blank in the sentence. They were very resourceful and used dictionaries to look up the meaning of words they didn't know.  They learned that some of the words have multiple meanings.

Catapults in Science!
Students continued learning about the engineering design process this week:

After spending last week collaborating with each other to improve their catapult designs, they tested their first prototypes, made modifications, and then partnered up to put their final designs into action.  Their target:  Lego men; their ammunition:  mini marshmallows. It was quite a sight to see marshmallows flying all around the classroom, and wonderful to see how excited students got when they launched their catapults.  They gathered data about the accuracy of their catapults and then reflected, using their data, on what they observed, what surprised them, and what they would improve if they could launch the catapults some more. We gathered for a science meeting and the students had a great discussion about their data and the engineering process... just like real engineers!

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