Monday, September 19, 2016

Students Prepare for Their First Math Forum and Celebrate Constitution Day!

There are two highlights from last week that I would like to share with you:

First, students worked very hard last week to create posters for their first math forum (to be held this week).  A math forum is a process where they get to review and comment on each other's work, and then have a discussion to help them build an understanding of a new math concept. They have been learning about volume and created posters, with a partner, to show how many different rectangular prisms they could make out of 24 cubes. They then transferred what they know about calculating volume to the concept of the commutative property of multiplication which states that you can multiply numbers (factors) in any order, and the answer (the product), will not change. They did a nice job with their partner work and followed the expectations they created for discussions and working together in math.

Second, in social studies the students have been learning about the Constitution.  On Friday, they presented at the grade 3 - 5 community meeting and shared what they have learned.  Each student in the 5th grade had a speaking part and then they all sang the Preamble song.  I'm sure if you ask them to sing it to you they can as they rehearsed it many times!  Be sure to ask them about Constitution Day, when it is, and why we celebrated it.

Image result for preamble

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